Trademark Policy

Using a company or business name, logo, or other trademarked Content without explicit written permission, or in a way that could deceive, mislead, or confuse others about brand or business affiliation, may violate our trademark policy. For account holders, valid notifications from trademark owners regarding such violations may result in a strike or suspension of the account. These actions can also be subject to criminal penalties and civil lawsuits, where the trademark owner may seek monetary damages.

How to File a Trademark Infringement Notification

To file a trademark infringement notification with Xenupload, you need to submit a written request. If we can clearly identify trademark infringement, we will suspend access to the infringing Content. However, as Xenupload does not resolve disputes, we may require a subpoena, court order, or other valid legal process to address and validate your trademark claim. Upon receipt of such legal documents, Xenupload will promptly suspend access to the Content as required by law.

Submission Methods

  • Support Ticket: Submit through your account support ticket system.

Required Information

  1. Company Identification:
    • Provide your company name and website.
  2. Trademark Details:
    • Identify the trademarked word, symbol, domain name, etc.
  3. Infringing Content:
    • Specify the Content you claim is infringing or subject to the infringement and provide sufficient information for Xenupload to locate the Content. URLs are required for accurate identification.
  4. Violation Description:
    • Explain why you believe this Content violates your trademark.
  5. Requested Action:
    • Indicate the action you request Xenupload to take. Note that actions beyond disabling access to the Content or suspending the account may require a court order or law enforcement directive.
  6. Contact Information:
    • Provide your contact details, including your name, address, phone number, and valid email address, to allow us to reach you.