
If your Content has been suspended due to a third-party notification of alleged copyright infringement, you will receive an email detailing the claim and instructions on how to file a counterclaim.

While Content is suspended, any attempts to view it will be met with a notice of suspension.

When Xenupload suspends Content for policy violations, the account holder receives a strike and is notified via email. Repeated violations may lead to account suspension.

Derivative works, such as remixes or edits of existing images, sound recordings, or text, require permission from the original copyright holders, even if the final creation is new.

If you possess all necessary rights to the Content—including audio, video, images, and text—and the right to redistribute it, you may contact the claimant directly or use our integrated counterclaim system to request a retraction of their claim.

Filing a counterclaim without the necessary rights or filing a false counterclaim could lead to legal action against you.

Your counterclaim, which will include your personal information, will be forwarded to the party who filed the original claim. By submitting a counterclaim, you consent to the disclosure of your name and contact details.

Once we receive your counterclaim, the claimant must inform us within seven (7) business days if they have filed a legal action to restrain you from infringing on the Content.

If your counterclaim is successful, the strike will be removed, and the file(s) will be restored.