Abuse Policy

This section outlines our policies on abuse, enforcement procedures, and how you can report problems or policy violations. We encourage users to report any issues or violations they encounter. We take all abuse seriously and are committed to upholding our policies.

Policy Overview

Xenupload’s Terms of Service prohibits the distribution of Content that is defamatory, obscene, illegal, malware, or that infringes on any copyright, trademark, or patent without the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions. This also includes Content that violates others’ rights or is sexually explicit. For detailed information, please refer to our full Terms of Service. An excerpt highlighting violations is provided at the bottom of this page.

To report a violation, email us at [email protected].

For Law Enforcement Agencies, please contact [email protected].

Reporting Procedures

  • Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property Claims: Refer to the specific sections for guidance on how to report these claims.
  • Terms of Service Violations: Submit a support ticket including a direct link to the Content in question. Xenupload’s Customer Support will process these reports. Verified violations can lead to actions up to and including immediate account termination. If you believe your account was wrongfully suspended, please contact our support department with detailed information for further review.
  • Child Exploitation: See this page for reporting procedures.

Enforcement Measures

Xenupload is committed to enforcing our Terms of Service and responding to violations. We use a variety of processes and automated mechanisms to prevent and address breaches, including:

  • File suspension
  • Account suspension or termination
  • DMCA takedown notices
  • Media fingerprinting
  • Archive scanning
  • Website monitoring
  • Real-time filters
  • Blocking access to certain sites
  • Preventing search engine indexing
  • Reporting activities to appropriate authorities

Common Violations

Below is a partial list of actions that violate our Terms of Service. For a complete list, please review our Terms of Service.

  • Using the Services for illegal activities
  • Distributing Content that falsely implies endorsement or sponsorship
  • Distributing unauthorized copies of copyrighted or trademarked works
  • Sharing Content that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, or promotes illegal activities
  • Violating others’ rights, including copyright, trademark, patent, or privacy rights
  • Linking to or distributing obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit material

For any issues or violations, please contact us at [email protected].